According to ISO 10209-1:1992 Terms related to technical drawings are as follows:
As-built drawing; record drawing: Drawing used to record the details of a construction following its completion.
Assembly drawing: Drawing representing the relative position and/or shape of a high-level group of sssembled parts.
Block plan: Drawing which identifies a site and locates the outlines of construction works in relation to a town plan or similar document.
Component drawing: Drawing depicting a single component and which includes all the information required for the definition of the component.
Component range drawing: Drawing showing the sizes, system of reference (type of component and identification number) and Peefomance date of a range of components of a given type.
Deatail drawing: Drawing showing parts of a construction ora component, generally enlarged, and induding specific information about the form and construction or about the assembly and joints.
Draft drawing; preliminary drawing: Drawing serving as a basis for the choice of a final solution and/or for discussion between involved parties.
General arrangement drawing: Drawing showing the layout of construction works, including location, item references and sizes.
General assembly drawing: Assembly drawing showing all groups and parts of a complete product.
Installation drawing: Drawing showing the general configuration of an item and the necessary informtion to install the item relative to its mating structures or associated items.
Interface drawing: Drawing giving information for the assembly and matching of two parts, concerning, for example, their dimensiom, configuration limitations, performance and test requirements.
Item list: Complete list of the item constituting an assembly (or a subassembly), or of detailed parts presented on a drawing.
Layout drawing; location drawing: Drawing showing the location of sites, structures, buildings, spaces, elements, assemblies or components.
Original drawing: Drawing giving the currently approved information or data and on which the latest revision has been recorded.
Outline drawing: Drawing giving the outside peripheral envelope, overall dimensions and mass of an object, used in the determination of packaging, transportation and installation requirements.
Part drawing: Drawing depicting a single part (which cannot be further disassembled) and which includes all the necessary information required for the definition of the part.
Partial arrangement drawing: Drawing showing a delimited part of a general arrangement drawing. usually to a larger scale and giving supplmentary information.
Pattern drawing: Drawing depicting a pattern made of wood, metal or other material, around which moulding material is placed to make a mould for castings.
Production drawing: Drawing, generally established on the basis of the design data, giving all the information required for the production.
Tabular drawing: Drawing showing parts with similar form but different features.
Site plan: Location drawing giving the position of construction works in relation to the setting out points, the means of access and the general layout of a site. It may a!so contain information
on service networks, roadworks and the landscape.
Sub-assembly drawing: Assembly drawing on a lower structural level showing only a limited number of groups or Parts.