Friday, October 16, 2009

University of Pune 102006 Engineering Graphics -1

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures 3 Hours/Week
Practical 2 Hours/Week

University conduct Theory exam for 100 Marks (4 Hours)



UNIT – I: Drafting Technology and Introduction to Any Drafting Software/Package, Layout of drawing sheets, sizes of drawing sheets, different types of lines used in drawing practice, Dimensioning – linear, angular, aligned system, unidirectional system, parallel dimensioning, chain dimensioning, location dimension and size dimension. Tolerances – methods of representing tolerances, unilateral and bilateral tolerances, tolerance on linear and angular dimensions, geometrical tolerances. Symbols used on drawing, surface finish symbols, welding symbols.
Advantages of using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) packages, applications of CAD, basic operation of drafting packages, use of various commands for drawing, dimensioning, editing, modifying, saving and printing/plotting the drawings. Introduction to 3D primitives.

UNIT – II: Curves used in Engineering Practice [ 15 Marks ]
Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, normal and tangents to these curves, Involute, Cycloid, Epi-cycloid,
Hypo-cycloid, Archimedean Spiral, Helix on cone and cylinder.

UNIT – III Orthographic Projections [ 20 Marks ]
Reference planes, types of orthographic projections – First angle projections, Third angle projections, methods of obtaining orthographic views by First angle method, Sectional orthographic projections – full section, half section, offset section.

UNIT – IV: Auxiliary Projections [ 15 Marks ]
Auxiliary planes – Auxiliary Vertical Plane (AVP), Auxiliary Inclined Plane (AIP), symmetrical
auxiliary view, unilateral auxiliary view, bilateral auxiliary view.

Isometric Projections [ 20 Marks ]
Isometric view, Isometric scale to draw Isometric projection, Non-Isometric lines, construction of Isometric view from given orthographic views and to construct Isometric view of a Pyramid, Cone, Sphere.

UNIT – VI: Interpretation of Given Views/Missing Views [ 20 Marks ]
Identification of lines/edges and surfaces, visualization of given orthographic views, adding a missing/third view, adding a sectional view, to convert a given view in to a sectional view.

UNIT – VII: Freehand Sketching [ 10 Marks ]
Free hand sketching -- FV and TV of standard machine parts – Hexagonal headed nut and bolt, foundation bolts, shafts, keys, couplings, springs, screw thread forms, welded joints, riveted joints.

Term Work :
Five A2 (594X420mm) (Half imperial) size drawing sheet as detailed below :
Sheet No. 1 : CURVES- To draw any four curves mentioned in the detailed syllabus.
Sheet No. 2 : ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEWS- To draw two principal views, one sectional view for two objects.
Sheet No. 3 : AUXILIARY VIEWS- To draw auxiliary views from the given views for any two objects.
Sheet No. 4 : ISOMETRIC VIEWS- Two problems on Isometric views.
(minimum one problem by using CAD software/package)
Sheet No. 5 : INTERPRETATION OF GIVEN VIEWS/MISSING VIEWS- Two problems on Interpretation of given views.
(minimum one problem by using CAD software/package)

Text Books :

  1. N.D. Bhatt, Elementary Engineering Drawing, Chartor Publishing house, Anand, India.
  2. D. N. Johle, Engineering Drawing, Tata Mcgraw-hill Publishing Co. Ltd..

Reference Books :

  1. P.S. Gill, Engineering Graphics.
  2. N.D. Bhatt, Machine Drawing, Chartor Publishing house, Anand, India.
  3. Warren J. Luzzader, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Prentice Hall of India, New
  4. Fredderock E. Giesecke, Alva Mitchell & others, Principles of Engineering Graphics,
    Maxwell McMillan Publishing