Wednesday, May 6, 2009

RGPV BE105 Engineering Drawing April/May 2009 Question Paper

BE (First/Second) Semester Exam(Common to all Branches)
Time: 3 hrs
Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Marks: 35

1.      Attempt any one question from Unit I to Unit IV.
2.      Question 9 is compulsory.
3.      Attempt all questions in drawing sheet only.
4.      Assume suitable missing/misprint data, if necessary.

1. a) Draw a plain scale to measure a maximum length of 10 km and to read in kilometre and hectometre. Mark on this scale a length of 3.6 km. Take R.F = 1:80000. 10 Marks
Similar to Example 2.14, Page 2.13  of EG - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
1. b) The major axis of an ellipse is 150 mm long and minor axis 100 mm long. Find the foci and draw the ellipse by arcs of circle method. 10 Marks
Refer Example 4.1, Page 4.2 of EG - Basant Agrawal, TMH.

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