BE/BTech (First/Second) Semester Exam January 2012 (Regulation 2008)
(Common to all Branches)
Time: 3 hrs
Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Marks: 35
1. a) Draw the locus of a p0int P which moves in a plane in such a way that the ratio of its distances from a fixed point F and a fixed straight line AB is always 2/3. The distance between the fixed point F and fixed straight line is 50 mm. Also draw a tangent and normal on a point on the locus at a horizontal distance of 55 mm from the fixed straight line. 20 marks
Time: 3 hrs
Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Marks: 35
Note: Answer ALL Questions.
1. a) Draw the locus of a p0int P which moves in a plane in such a way that the ratio of its distances from a fixed point F and a fixed straight line AB is always 2/3. The distance between the fixed point F and fixed straight line is 50 mm. Also draw a tangent and normal on a point on the locus at a horizontal distance of 55 mm from the fixed straight line. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 5.1 page 5.7 ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
1. b) Make free hand sketches of the front, top and right side views of the machine component given below in Fig. 1. 20 marks
2. a) A line PQ measuring 70 mm is inclined at 30° to the H.P. and 45° to the V.P. with the end P 20 mm above the H.P. and 15 mm in front of the V.P. Draw its projections. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 9.24 page 9.23 of ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
2. b) A rectangular plate of side 50 mm and 25 mm is resting on its shorter side on the H.P. and inclined at 30° to the V.P. Its surface is inclined at 60° to the H.P. Draw its projections. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 10.26 page 10.23 of ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
3. a) Draw the projections of a pentagonal prism of 30 mm base edges and axis 60 mm long, when the axis is inclined 75° to the H.P. and parallel to the V.P. with an edge of the base on the H.P. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 11.9 page 11.14 ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
3. b) A right regular hexagonal pyramid, edge of base 25 mm and height 50 mm, rests on one of its base edges on the H.P. with axis parallel to the V P. Draw the projections of the pyramid when 1ts base makes an angle of 45° to the H.P. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 11.11 page 11.15 ED ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
4. a) A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 65 mm long has its base on the H.P. and all the edges of the base are equally inclined to the V.P. It is cut by the section plane perpendicular to the V.P. and inclined at 45° to the H.P. and bisecting the axis. Draw its sectional top view and true shape of the section. 20 marks
4. a) A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 65 mm long has its base on the H.P. and all the edges of the base are equally inclined to the V.P. It is cut by the section plane perpendicular to the V.P. and inclined at 45° to the H.P. and bisecting the axis. Draw its sectional top view and true shape of the section. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 12.5 page 12.8 of ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH
4. b) Draw the development of the lateral surface of the lower portion of the cylinder of diameter 50 mm and axis 70 mm. The solid is cut by a section plane inclined at 40° to the H.P. and perpendicular to the V.P. and passing through the mid-point of the axis. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 13.7 page 13.8 of ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
5. a) Draw the isometric projection of the object from the views shown in Fig 2. 20 marks
5. b) A rectangular pyramid, base 30 mm x 20 mm and axis 35 mm long. is placed on the ground plane on its base with the longer edge of the base parallel to and 30 mm behind the picture plane. The central plane is HO mm to the left of the apex and station point is 5O mm in front of the picture plane and 25 mm above the ground plane. Draw the perspective view of the pyramid. 20 marks
Ans: Refer problem 17.7 page 17.12 of ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.
Ans: Refer problem 17.7 page 17.12 of ED 2e - Basant Agrawal, TMH.